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Saturday, November 10, 2012


I'm going through my office today.  I'm throwing some stuff out, putting aside stuff to take to donate, and have posted a few things on the Rock Springs Garage Sales site on Facebook. 

I keep looking at all of my text books from grad school.  When I talked about selling them as I completed my classes, I got horrified looks from my coworkers.  At the time, I was working at the University of Wyoming so I was surrounded by a lot of highly educated people.  They said that I would regret selling them if I ever decide to get a PhD.  So I kept them.

I really doubt I'll ever go for a PhD.  But what if I do?  I don't want to find myself in a bind because I got rid of all the books.  However, they take up a lot of room.  Plus, I have a bunch of books that I might someday use if I ever go back to teaching in an elementary school.  Needless to say, they are pretty much all in brand new condition since I've only taught older kids in group homes.  I just don't think I'm ready to say for sure what direction I'm going so I guess I'd better keep all the books.  I am getting rid of my novels as I read them.  I figure if I ever want to re-read something, I can check it out from the library or get it on my kindle.

It seems really strange to know that in 3 weeks, my husband won't be living with us.  We've done the living apart thing while selling a house before.  It was a lot easier then since we had a 10 year old who could do pretty much do everything for himself.  I'm not looking forward to doing it all on my own with a 6 and 3 year old. 

I'm working on convincing Michael that he needs to keep the dog with him.  It will be a lot easier to show the house if I don't have to take the dog with us.  Plus, I won't have to worry about picking up more doggie doo in the yard.  I also think he should take the goldfish.  That would be one less thing on the kitchen island and one less mouth to feed.  I need all the help I can get!

We have the travel authorizations and a quote for paying for our move.  However, we still don't know for certain if we got one of the apartments.  It would be really nice to know one way or the other.  If employee housing is full, they will pay for 1 month in a motel.  If we have to get an apartment in Jackson, we'll be living in a cracker box.  I hope we hear soon so I have one less thing to worry about.

Brian is very excited to go to Moose.  He's very social so I don't think he'll have problems making new friends.  He is most excited about getting to ride the bus to and from school every day.  I just hope he enjoys that as much as he thinks he will.  I hated riding the bus.  I always wanted to walk.
Since it snowed, I bundled the kids up so they could try out their new snow pants and boots.  I bought Tegan and I some neoprene snow boots.  They cost a lot but they are by far the warmest snow boots I have ever owned.  They almost come up to my knee so they will be good for deep snow as well as cold.

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